
Celebrate the unsung heroes of diversity and inclusion

While top-level policies lay the groundwork, it's middle managers who truly infuse diversity and inclusion into the heart of corporate cultures. Behind the scenes, your manager might be working tirelessly, ensuring every voice is not just heard, but valued. Yet, their efforts often go unnoticed.

Nominations are now closed and are currently being processed by the Dive In Steering Committee. Winners will be announced across Dive In’s social media channels in the run up to the festival which takes place from 24 to 26 September.

Carry on the conversation by using the #NominateMyManager and #DiveIn2024.

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Reverse Mentoring

Introducing Dive In to Reverse Mentoring.

Social Media Campaign

We want to hear stories from across the Dive In community about how your different ways of working can aid innovation.

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that Communication Teams are not eligible to submit entries for this initiative. However, if you have neurodiverse or similar needs and may find it challenging to submit a nomination independently, we encourage you to reach out to your company’s Communications Team for assistance in drafting your entry. If you are unsure about who to contact for support, please feel free to email us.